Memoir Disclaimer
Trigger Point is a work of creative nonfiction. The events are described to the best of my recollection and are thus truthful, but as we’re all aware, human memory can be flawed, so these scenes may not be precisely accurate. The conversations in this memoir are not to be considered word-for-word transcripts of real-life dialogue; they were carefully reconstructed to evoke the same spirit of past conversations in an effort to communicate their deeper essence and meaning. Some names and characteristics of individuals have been changed to protect their identities, and the chronology of events have sometimes been altered for the sake of readability.
I recognize that the memories of others may be different from my own and acknowledge that not everyone feels compelled to make aspects of their private lives public. I offer my sincere apologies to anyone who was hurt, offended or confronted by this work. Please know that my intention in sharing parts of my own life story—and by association the stories of others who’s lives overlapped with mine—was in fact to spread a message of healing en lieu of causing anyone more damage or harm.