From Chronic Pain to Quantum Leap
Every waking, breathing moment of my life hurt, and then some. It had been that way for so long that I was beginning to forget what it felt like not to be in pain. Regardless of what task I was engaged in, even while I was trying to relax or sleep, that awful bitch called chronic pain was consistently tormenting me, and not a doctor or specialist for miles could convincingly explain why.
April 17, 2018
A Self-Guided Day trip to Bath on a Budget
Six months ago a stack of tarot cards and “Madame Marga,” a spiritual healer from Barcelona who I met in Mexico, told me that come mid summer I would embark on a big journey that would be very different from the long-term, round-the-world healing mission I began in April of 2016.
July 6, 2017
Why I Scrapped My Big Career for the Long Journey
At 26 I landed my dream job as a graphic designer at Pixar. Freaking Pixar. Holding that offer letter was like having the world at my fingertips, but by then my hands were burning with so much pain I could hardly move them. A decade before—when I was 15 and greener than the Appalachians in the summertime…
May 9, 2016
Pixar's Sexist
Boys Club
When I saw The Little Mermaid at six-years-old, my pint-sized, budding-artist soul was blown away. I started filling my school notebooks with doodles of Disney characters and quickly decided I wanted to work in animation when I grew up. So when I landed my “dream job” as an intern at Pixar at age 25, I thought for sure I’d made it in life. But it wasn’t long before I became engaged in my own mental…
June 28, 2018